These Tenants Left Huge Mess When Moving Out – So Ex-Landlord Dumps It In Front Of New Home


Landlords have to deal with the best and worst in tenants. Most of them are respectful, paying their rent on time. Then there are the ones who leave a mess, get rude, and forget to pay the rent. Thomas Ravaux, of Rozoy-sur-Serre in Aisne, France, had to deal with some rude tenants who refused to pay rent for over a year.
This French landlord’s tenants left behind a massive mess when they finally left the rental unit. Ravaux found everything from empty boxes to a dirty litter box. He had had enough.

Ravaux knew where his former tenants had moved, so he decided it was time for some revenge. He cleaned out all the tenants’ mess and loaded into a dump truck. Then he went for a little drive.

Ravaux pulled up to the front door of his former tenants’ new home and unloaded the entire dump truck’s contents on their porch. Nothing was left behind.
The pile of debris was quite impressive and it just kept growing as the dump truck continued to do its job.

He was able to get a taste of sweet revenge that landlords don’t often get to experience with such tenants. His level of satisfaction was quite high. He was actually being nice and returning all their stuff to them. The only problem was that they weren’t expecting it.

Ravaux took photos of the entire operation and posted it to social media. The photos show just how filthy the tenants had left the rental unit

He commented on the photos, shaming the parents for living in such filth with three kids and leaving it behind for him to clean up. He also wished the new landlord luck in dealing with them.


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