Dan Bongino Announces Tragic Personal News


In an emotional moment on his show, Dan Bongino disclosed the sorrowful news of his mother’s unexpected passing. The event was coupled with a mystical experience that profoundly affected him, an encounter that he bravely shared with his audience.

Opening his heart and his show with heavy emotions, Bongino recounted, “Folks, I’m going to end the show early today. I’m going to tell you what happened last night because I’m having a bit of a rough time, as you can tell. I’m going to try to get through this unexpectedly. She fell down a flight of stairs. And I found out at about 4:43 in the morning.”

Bongino, grappling with the shock and sorrow, reached out to his listeners, “For those of you who don’t believe in God, I’m not here to judge you…But I want to tell you something. I want to tell you in advance, I’m not crazy, o.k.?”

Describing a surreal moment of contact, Bongino explained, “Someone grabbed me. Like hugged me. Like a mom,” revealing the spiritual depth of the encounter that coincided with his mother’s passing.


In his search for a rational explanation, Bongino recounted the lengths to which he went to understand the embrace he felt, “I’m telling you it was real. I actually jumped up. I know it sounds crazy, but I was looking for my gun. And I started looking around the house…” Yet, the reality of the experience was undeniable for him.


“She called me Danny, the only one, no one else on planet Earth besides my mom. Calls me Danny, and now no one else does at all,” he reminisced. “As I sat this morning, in my own shower, hunched over, kind of crying a little bit, I’ve never believed more in the power of Jesus.”

Bongino concluded, “I’ll let you guys know about the show tomorrow…but obviously, I have to bury her, and my brothers and I, so we got some stuff to take care of.”

Bongino a former Secret Service agent, has been a vocal supporter of conservative policies and has gained a significant following among conservative audiences. He has appeared as a commentator on various television networks and has written several books on politics and his experiences in the Secret Service.

source: https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/


God Bless the USA

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