Academy Awards Replaces Whoopi With “Less Controversial” Keanu Reeves as Host


The 109th Annual Academy Awards has announced a significant change in its hosting lineup, with Whoopi Goldberg being replaced as the head of the show, which was scheduled to take place in 2023. The decision was made by the ceremony committee, who stated that Goldberg had become too controversial and toxic to host the show. Committee Chairman Joe Barron stated that the decision was not difficult, as Goldberg’s actions had led to the snub.

Whoopi’s social media expert, Skip Tetheludah, explained the reason for Goldberg’s downfall, stating that she was unable to keep both her own fanbase and a politically opposite group happy at the same time. According to Tetheludah, the situation would have been easier to handle if Goldberg had just entertained them with nonsense.

Taking Goldberg’s place will be Keanu Reeves, who will make his first appearance as the host of the Academy Awards. Many fans believe that this honor is long overdue for Reeves, who is loved by everyone. In a statement, Reeves expressed his hope to earn the respect and admiration of the Academy and humbly requested permission to make jokes, including those aimed at women. He also sent out a waiver form for hugs after handing out awards, stating that he just wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable with physical contact.


In contrast, Goldberg, who has hosted the show four times, never asked permission to hug anyone, highlighting the difference between a world-class actor and a talk show host.

In conclusion, the replacement of Goldberg with Reeves has received positive reactions, with many wishing God’s blessings upon America and Keanu Reeves.


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