
Indian Bridal Magazine Gets Slammed For Featuring Hairy Biological Male In Dress On Its Cover


LGBT colonialism prompted one of the latest bizarre stories of the week, this time originating in India where a quite hirsute biological male squeezed into a bridal dress and graced the covers of a presumably traditional women’s magazine.

The magazine is titled Brides Today and is an English-language publication in the world’s second-largest country by population.

“Non-binary transfeminine” activist model Alok Vaid-Menon, who goes by ALOK, appeared on one cover decked out in Indian jewels, a teal outfit, and a skirt. In a second, the model wears makeup, an Indian dress with a bra-like blue top and matching skirt, and lots of jewels,” Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire wrote.

In captions alongside the photographs which appeared on Instagram, the woke publisher announced that it had “the audacity to embrace authenticity” – whatever that means.

“The reason LGBTQI+ people are hunted is because we have the audacity to embrace authenticity and autonomy in a world that prescribes conformity. People take their own insecurities and project them at us. If they were secure in themselves, they wouldn’t seek to deny and disappear us. In other words: the continued discrimination against our community is an indication of the mental health struggle of our non-LGBTQI peers,” one caption began.

“What’s needed then is the promotion of positive mental health for all. What’s needed is the creation of a culture tied together with love, not shame,” the Brides Today’s cover model stated.

In a second post, ALOK writes about supposedly living in fear simply from walking in the street and facing constant threats of “being attacked.”

“I’ve been bullied my entire life. I wish I could be able to walk down the street—and exist in public—without fear of being attacked. I wish I could post an image of myself online without being inundated with hate mail. I wish I could be seen as a human being… But I’m not going to wait for that future, I’m going to build it now, here, with the people who are ready for love,” the “gender non-conforming and trans-feminine” person wrote.

“I hope that we dream beyond tolerance towards meaningful acceptance. I hope that we are able to find beauty and pride in our differences. I hope that we are not just safe, but well, and not just seen, but witnessed. Most of all: I hope that we can be free,” the activist added.


ALOK identifies with the pronouns they/them and works under the hashtag #degenderfashion, according to an Instagram profile. Photographs for the covers can be seen in the links provided in the quotes.

Comments were not particularly kind to the hairy model.

“Chewbacca in a dress that’s what I see,” one person wrote.

“Seems to be a cooperation with #budlight I don‘t care about how anyone wants to live his life, but this is simply misogynistic. And one should think that women are your customers. Weird,” said another.

“It’s sad when mental illness is championed and not helped. Transgenderism is a social experiment and mental illness. To glorify it any other way is delusional. Sadly, it is an attack against women by disturbed and hateful men. It is degrading to women and acceptance of this degradation is a liberal virus and by no means tolerance,” added another comment.

Featured image: Instagram, ALOK
