
Garth Brooks Cancels His Remaining Vegas Shows: “People Stopped Coming”


Garth Brooks had no choice but to cancel the rest of his Las Vegas contract — eleven shows altogether — after ticket sales went in the toilet.

“Nobody wants to see me right now,” Brooks told ALLOD Correspondent Skip Tetheludah, “I’m hoping it will pass. All I said was I’m gonna serve Bud Light at my new bar.”

Tetheludah asked Brooks about the “a-holes” comment and why he would berate nearly his entire fan base. “I didn’t see it that way,” he responded, “I was just trying to be fair to everyone.”

Fairness to everyone hasn’t exactly worked out for Brooks, who has had a string of bad luck since alienating country music listeners. His Nashville bar lost all its investors, the grand opening was a flop, he was ousted from next year’s Country Music Awards, Toby Kieth backed out of a show with him in August, and in what was probably the greatest insult, he was booed off the stage in Hambriston, Texas at the 123rd Annual Texas Country Jamboree.


Brooks told Tetheluday that he isn’t really concerned about all the stories coming out about him, “especially the ones that aren’t true.”

He insists that several of the items are, rather, fictional accounts written by a guy from Maine under the category “Punishing Garth Brooks.”

“Does that sound real to you?” Tetheludah reports that there’s no way to know for sure, sadly.
