Delta Burke Looks ‘Gorgeous’ at 66 after Being Cruelly Mocked for Her Weight — Husband Publicly Stood up for Her


Delta Burke, while she was in her 20s and competing for beauty pageants, always fought to maintain a healthy weight and did all in her power to remain thin. It came very close to destroying the life of the actress when she was criticized for the weight increase that she had experienced. Burke said that she was subjected to the practice of body shaming and that rumors caused her marriage to come under assault. Despite this, she triumphed through adversity and is now living a happy life with her partner, who has always been at her side and has publicly supported her.

Delta Burke, who is an actor on television, had a previous past as a beauty queen and also played one on cinema. She fell in love with one of her co-stars and eventually married Gerald McRaney. The couple has been married for the last three decades. In her twenties, Burke came to notoriety thanks to her performance in the television comedy “Designing Women,” in which she played the part of a former beauty queen named Suzanne Sugarbaker. The native of Florida received two nominations for an Emmy for the character she played.

Her husband, McRaney, began appearing on the program in the role of Sugarbaker’s ex-spouse, Dash Goff, in the year 1987. Off-screen, they had a passionate romance that culminated in their wedding in 1989, which was a grand affair. Their co-stars from “Designing Women” as well as four hundred and fifty additional pals attended the wedding.

In her previous existence, Burke had the title of beauty queen. While she was a student at Colonial High School in Orlando, she was crowned Miss Florida. Yet, she has battled her weight her whole life and has been the victim of body shaming because of it.

She was ridiculed for her weight gain, which had a negative impact on both her and her acting career. In addition to suffering a big setback in her professional life, she also severed her connection with her well-known co-star, Dixie Carter. In the midst of all that was going on, Burke lost the will to live.

The author made an effort to get her weight under control, but the persistent taunting and mockery, along with the declining ratings for her program, increased her levels of stress, which made it more difficult for her to succeed.

In order for Burke to deal with her weight issue head-on, she requested that the program’s creator, Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, make an episode of “Designing Women” depicting her weight increase during the fourth season of the show. In the episode, which was nominated for an Emmy and given the title “They Shoot Big Women, Don’t They,” Burke attended her high school reunion and was teased by her friends for gaining weight. The show garnered her a nomination for the Emmy.

The statement “I hear she’s the new poster kid for ‘Save the Whales’” was made by one of them. Another person voiced their opinion, saying, “I hear her prior spouses left because they couldn’t get enough to eat.” [Citation needed]

Burke’s connection with her co-star on “Designing Women,” Dixie Carter, deteriorated during this time, in addition to the fact that her career on the program w as going nowhere and that she was losing confidence in herself. They first worked together in 1982 on the ill-fated comedy program “Filthy Rich,” in which they both had starring roles, and their relationship extends back to that time.

But, when Burke attempted to work through issues with the administration of “Designing Women,” their relationship became entangled in the situation, and as a result, they had a falling out.

Carter did not speak publicly about the shattered state of her relationship with Burke until June of the year 2000, after she had been silent for years. The actress, who served as Burke’s maid of honor at her wedding to McRaney, recently spoke out about her and Burke’s “tight” relationship and stated:

“The honest fact is that I have a soft spot in my heart for Delta. I always have, and I promise that I never will change. Regarding our relationship and the possibility that we would run into each other in the future, I do not believe that this should be made known to the general public.”

Throughout the course of the conversation, Carter expressed her happiness for all the positive developments taking place in her life and sent her best wishes to her long-lost friend as well as her husband.

After learning this, Burke was reduced to sobbing uncontrollably. “She said that, right? Really? I was merely under the impression that nothing had been finished “the creator of the product said.

Burke said that she and Carter had the kind of relationship that other people would kill for and that she was “kind” to Carter. She went on to say that the most heartbreaking aspect of what took place was how it affected the relationship between the two of them.

Because of her struggles with her weight, the former cast member of “Ladies of the House” saw a complete transformation in her reputation in the public eye. Jean Smart, who worked with Burke in the past, said, “She went from feeling like the darling of the press to becoming their favorite target.” Smart is one of Burke’s previous co-stars.

The press wasn’t the only group that was after her; radio disc jockeys also joined in on the mockery and made fun of Burke on a daily basis. Even a song was written on how much weight Delta Dawn had gained: “Delta Dawn, how many pounds have you put on?”


About the unfavorable attention that she got from the media, Burke said that the situation became a “crisis” due to the fact that they also broadcast intimate matters that involved her and her husband, McRaney.

She had never experienced anything like that before, and on top of that, they attacked her professional life, which she referred to as “vicious.” Burke said that she exerted a lot of effort to develop a “positive” reputation for herself, but that her efforts were for nothing since they ruined it.

She stated that even when she was working on the set, everyone would speak about her as if she were not there and that she was unable to avoid the unfair treatment. Burke related the following:

“I can still vividly recall being on the sound stage as a group of people stood around me debating what they ought to have me wear for the performance. They would speak about me as if I weren’t even there, ignoring my presence completely. The question that was posed was, “What are we going to do about those hips?””

Burke became depressed as a result of all the criticism she received over her weight, and she sought help from a therapist and medicine in order to overcome her condition. Things became far worse for her when she went back to work for the third season and she began experiencing panic attacks.

Since the brunette was exhausted both psychologically and physically, Carter accompanied her to the doctor, where she was ultimately taken to the hospital. As Burke thought back to that time, he revealed:

By the time the program was in its fifth season, rumors began to spread that Burke had been fired from the show because she was allegedly disruptive on the set. There were rumors going around that if she did not get rid of the extra weight, she would be dismissed from her job. Bloodworth-Thomason, however, the co-executive producer, maintained that the rumors were false and added, “It’s like when you gain weight, you have no right to reside in America.”

Despite this, tensions were running high behind the scenes, and as a direct result, Burke was fired in the year 1991. After leaving the show, she had a difficult time but yet tried to bring back her Sugarbaker persona in a return series called “Delta” in the year 1992. One year later, in 1992, ABC decided to cancel the program.Ladies of the House, which debuted on CBS in 1995 and was based on Suzanne Sugarbaker and was produced by Thomason, was another sitcom that was inspired by Sugarbaker. Despite this, it lasted for little than three months before being pulled off the air.

In 1991, when Burke departed the show “Designing Women,” she had a weight of 215 pounds. She thought that her weight was the primary cause of her Type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

In addition to being harassed by the media and having continual conversation about her weight, Burke’s marriage to McRaney, which had been going strong for just six months, became a subject of curiosity. The media spread rumors that the star of “Major Dad” was unfaithful to his wife due of her obesity, and they blamed it on her. The star of “Sordid Lives” revealed the following:


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