
Heavy over-welght guy bIows audience away with epic swing routine [VIDEO]


We’re all taught as children not to ju-dge other people according to their appearance.

But despite that, prej-udice is common.

John Lindo is used to others having prec-onceived opinions about him.

He’s a well built, tall man and does not look like the typical dancer.

But watch now when he steps out on to the dance floor …

But not John Lindo. He is a broad, tall man with some extra pounds on his sto-mach. Because of his appearance, John has been dea-ling with prej-udice for several years. Especially when people have dif-ficulty believing he would be a good dancer.

Has won contests
The fact is, John has been dancing swing since 1992. He’s competed on a professional level and won contests like the U.S. Open.

When John and his dance partner stepped up to the dance floor in this swing contest in 2008 he could hear people in the audience mum-bling “f-at”.

Wipes the floor with them all
But when he and Stephanie get started the show is silent. They wipe the floor with their competitors and John’s feeling and joy is really wonderful. That glint in the eye is also there.


This really is a timely reminder to never judge a book by its cover. Wonderful!

The dance gave the couple victory in the competition and at the end of the film the audience stood up and cheered.

Watch the wonderful performance here!

John shows with every cell in his bo-dy how much he loves to dance. You can’t buy such charisma for money! Really a good performance.

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Love and peace.
