
Arkansas WWII Veteran Celebrates 102nd Birthday


Arkansas WWII Veteran Celebrates 102nd Birthday

Take a moment to wish Hestle Matlock a happy birthday. The WWII veteran is celebrating his 102nd birthday!

A very special happy birthday to Hestle Matlock from Waldron, who is celebrating his 102nd birthday today!

WALDRON, Ark. — A very special happy birthday to Hestle Matlock from Waldron, who is celebrating his 102nd birthday today (January 11).

Hestle was born in Cowe City, Ark. on January 11, 1921. In the early 1940s, he joined the military and went overseas on the Queen Mary, his son told 5NEWS.


Hestle spent time in Germany and France in WW2 before returning to the United States after the war, where he moved to California with his wife.

In 2006 after his wife passed, he found his way back to the Natural State to live with his son, where they both live in Waldron.

Happy Birthday, Hestle from all of us here at 5NEWS
