A Sign with a Message
A picture of the message displayed on the welcome sign of Carters Grove Baptist Church in Hazel Green was recently posted on the /r/HuntsvilleAlabama subreddit. The sign reads, “Pride month sounds about right,” and includes the scripture from Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction.”
Offensive to Some
The post raised concerns about the sign possibly offending members of the LGBTQ+ community, particularly those who may still be hesitant about coming out. One commenter pointed out that the sign at least provides transparency about the congregation’s stance, allowing individuals to make informed decisions.

Varied Perspectives
While some defended the sign’s message, viewing it as a display of community unity and diverse viewpoints, others expressed discomfort with the sign’s stance. However, Pastor Jim Weaver of Carter’s Grove Baptist Church stood by the decision to display the sign, emphasizing his belief in discouraging what he considers “an unhealthy lifestyle.”

Church’s Stance and Motivation
Pastor Jim Weaver explained that he put up the sign in June in response to Pride month because he disagrees with the idea of celebrating what he believes is an “unscriptural lifestyle.” He stated, “I believe, scripturally speaking, promoting a lifestyle that the bible calls sinful will bring a country down. It’s not bigotry, it’s actually loving a person to tell them that things are not right in their life.”

Supportive Resources for the LGBTQ+ Community
David Cleland, a member of the board of directors for Rocket City Pride, acknowledged that he can see both sides of the debate. He initially interpreted the sign as supportive of pride, but regardless of differing opinions, Cleland encourages those seeking support to visit Rocket City Rainbow Pages for LGBT+ friendly resources.
In conclusion, the sign placed on Carters Grove Baptist Church’s welcome sign has sparked controversy, with some defending its message and others finding it offensive. The pastor stands firm in his belief, while the community’s perspectives remain varied. For individuals seeking support and resources, Rocket City Rainbow Pages can be a helpful destination.