Federal authorities have finally brought charges against Hunter Biden, the embattled son of President Joe Biden, for two violations of tax law and one involving the purchase of a firearm by an individual actively using illicit drugs.

On Tuesday David Weiss, U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware, submitted a letter to the district clerk’s office announcing that his team of prosecutors had reached an agreement with Hunter Biden and his attorneys that will allow him to avoid jail time altogether. As part of the deal, Hunter Biden will plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay federal income taxes and will accept a pretrial diversion program for his firearms violation.


The case against Hunter Biden has been criticized by outsiders as well as whistleblowers for its glacial pace. Investigators with the Internal Revenue Service began investigating suspicious tax reports by the first son in 2018, and recently a career civil servant came forward claiming that the Biden Justice Department had interfered in the case, ordering the elimination of an internal team dedicated to the case. The resulting fallout has led House Republicans to interview whistleblowers at both the IRS and FBI where claims of politicization by insiders have caused the independence of both federal agencies to buckle under the weight of political pressure.


The president’s son and his associates have made substantial income since President Biden’s time as vice president between 2009 and 2015. House investigations have uncovered bank documents showing millions of dollars in lucrative deals that rewarded Hunter Biden, associates, and members of his family for representing foreign companies seeking influence in Washington. Many of these business deals involved payments to the Bidens through limited liability companies which obscured the nature of the transactions and ultimately led to tax violations.

Hunter Biden will also plead guilty to violating a law intended to prevent possession of a firearm by a person “who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.” The evidence for this charge against Hunter Biden was self-disclosed in an autobiography where the struggling son admitted to “smoking crack all the time” during the timeframe in which he made the firearms purchase. Hunter Biden falsified a document that claimed he was not a drug user.