
WATCH: Geraldo Explains Who Got Him Fired From “The Five,” Who He Will “Never Forgive”

During a recent appearance on ABC’s “The View,” during which he also helped the hosts smear President Donald Trump, former Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera explained who got him fired

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‘BULLSH*T’: MTG Goes Off Over Jack Smith’s Latest Likely Indictment Of Trump

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) excoriated special counselJack Smithfor what she claims is a politically-motivatedlooming indictmentagainst former President Donald Trump related to his statements made leading up to the January

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Little Girl Has Hilarious Comeback After Her Brother Is Patted Down At Security

Mila Stauffer is a 2 year-old girl who recently set off from her home in Arizona to take a trip to Michigan with her family. When little Mila arrived at

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Tim Scott Uses the Gospel to Fire Back at Whoopi Goldberg

Republican Senator from South Carolina, Tim Scott, has officially thrown his hat into the ring for the GOP nomination in 2024. Scott joins Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, former President Trump,

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“The View” Gets Bad News In Disney CEO’s Latest Announcement

It’s tough times for the House of Mouse. Disney CEO Bob Iger signed a two-year contract extension on Wednesday and made some concerning remarks about the future of the company.

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Journalist Posts Dangerous Dirt About Epstein’s Potential Clients, Starts Dropping Big Names

Elon raised quite a few eyebrows and reinvigorated interest in the Epstein scandal with a recent tweet in which he posted a meme pointing out that the Epstein-Maxwell client list,

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Fed-Up Restaurant Owner Posts ‘Politically Incorrect’ Sign — Then Sales Soar

With the push for “political correctness,” one Texas restaurant chain decided it’s had enough. The owner posted a sign, letting people know they’re not bowing to the demands of others

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Woman Who Raped Underage Boy ‘Hundreds Of Times’ Found Dead In Jail Cell After Judge Refused To Give Her Bail

On March 11, 40-year-old Tina Ketcham was found dead in Linn County Jail, Oregon, just two weeks after she was arrested on multiple child sex abuse charges. Speaking to KATU,

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If You See A Man With A Painted Fingernail, Here’s What It Means

A new campaign by YGAP, an Australian non-profit, has seen a host of male celebrities grace social media with one painted fingernail. Photo Credit: You Shouid Know? While women are more

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Man Insults Military Couple On Airplane – Gets Nasty Surprise From Fellow Passenger

Members of the U.S. military have put their lives on the line to protect the American people, yet they often do not get the respect they deserve when they return

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