Family Is Denied Booth At Restaurant. Takes Photo Of It, And It Instantly Goes Viral
If I’m given a choice of where to sit at a restaurant, I will almost always go for the booth. Not only are the chairs more comfortable, but the nestled-in…
Community Members Are Outraged After High School Students Wore “Offensive” Shirts
A group of white students stood in front of a pickup truck for a photo opportunity to proudly show off their “White Lives Matter” t-shirts. However, the students, who go…
Church Sign Sparks Controversy During Pride Month
A Sign with a Message A picture of the message displayed on the welcome sign of Carters Grove Baptist Church in Hazel Green was recently posted on the /r/HuntsvilleAlabama subreddit.…
NAACP Demands Business Owner Takes Down Billboard, Owner Responds Accordingly
To play off the entire NFL player protest of the national anthem, a range owner in southern New Jersey has posted a billboard that reads, “The only time we take…
Woman Wants To Rename Certain Body Parts Because They Are “Offensive”
A professor of anatomy from Australia is pushing the world health community to rename body parts that she finds , “irrelevant and misogynistic.” Some of the common body parts that…
Ben And Jerry Have A Message For All White People
Less than a week after the deadly insurrection at the United States Capitol, ice cream makers Ben & Jerry’s came forward with a statement denouncing white supremacy. As Donald Trump…
90 Pеrcеnt Hаvе Nо Idеа Whаt This Is… SHАRЕ if Yоu Knоw…
I dо rеmеmbеr this оnе bеcаusе my mоm wаs а jоurnаlist. А Typеwritеr. Thеy wеrе sо bеаutiful. I rеmеmbеr sitting оn my mоm’s lаp whilе shе’d typе. It wаs sо…
WATCH: Jason Aldean Gives Epic Pro-America Speech At Concert, Crowd Explodes With “USA” Chant
After a week full of controversy over his new song “Try That In A Small Town”, Jason Aldean was met with overwhelming support from his audience in Cincinnati, OH last…
Jason Aldean Rockets To #1 With Anti-Woke “Try That In A Small Town”
Jason Aldean just rolled out his powerful new song, “Try That in a Small Town,” and the predictable reactions resulted. On one hand, theleft went absolutely berserk and CMT canceled…
Disney’s Biggest Nightmare: Red State Building $2 Billion Theme Park That Rivals Magic Kingdom
The House of Mouse is getting some competition. It wasannouncedWednesday that over $2 billion will be spent to open American Heartland Theme Park and Resort in northeast Oklahoma. The proposed…